How to do CPR on a Dog or Cat

This owner did not know what to do when her dog suddenly stopped breathing.

Luckily a man arrived on the scene and started with doggy CPR. 

Notice how he checks for any blockages, then blows into the dogs nose.  Its so important to know what to do should this ever happen to you and your dog!

Please always try to remain calm when your dog is injured. 

They pick up your emotions and if you are calm, they will understand that you are there for them and you are taking care of them.

How to do CPR on a dog or cat:

A = Airway
B = Breathing
C = Circulation

First you need to check the airway, to ensure there is no obstruction.
Then you need to see if the animal is breathing.

From here the following steps are important :
1. Make sure there is no major blood loss or bleeding. Control the bleeding by applying pressure.
2. Check the pulse in the groin area.
3. Place the animal on its right side.
4. Place your hands in the middle of the rib cage.
5. Use a double handed pulse on medium to large dogs.
6. Use one hand with a squeezing motion for cats.
7. Compress the chest 15 times following 2 breaths into the nose.
8. Repeat if necessary.

As soon as you have stabilised the animal contact your nearest veterinarian and notify them that you are on your way.


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