Getting the best out of Dog Food

Why are you not getting the best results from your super-premium dog food?

First, you need to buy the best pet food which you can afford. It will be better for your pet's health in the long run, so when it comes to feeding your pets the adage 'goedkoop is duurkoop' applies.

After all, your canine companion would sacrifice their own life to protect yours … don’t they deserve the best dog food that you can afford to give?


  • Read pet food labels to ensure that you know what the food comprises. The cheaper the pet food the more filler it will have such as wheat and floor sweepings.  And more than likely the bigger their stools will be, as much of the pet food is waste and expelled by the dog (Your pooch may love it, but would you feed your two-legged kids on the fast foods they love every day?)
  • Be wary of terms such as 'Enriched' - this can give the perception that there is a higher than actual content of a particular ingredient - check the percentage. Or 1/3 more and so on – 1/3 more of 3% is 4%. Or ‘Natural’ – what is natural?



So, you've bought a super-premium pet food brand, but not getting the results?

  • Are you adding extras such as chicken/beef/lamb, rice, gravy, veggies, oil, vitamins etc? Doing that throws out the balance and benefits of the food as super-premium pet products have been designed for best balance.
  • The lesson to be learned … don't add anything to the food.


  • Treats can be given sparingly but not as part of the main course.
  • Don't leave the food down 24/7. Pick up the bowl after 40 minutes even if uneaten. It will help you quickly determine if your canine companion is eating and has not gone off their food.

Ensure that all your pets have access to fresh water and shelter from the elements at all times.


Author: Dave Thorpe

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