Dog Walk at the Cape Outdoor Expo 27 Oct 2013



Sunday, 27th October | Cape Outdoor Expo Paw Parade | 2km Walk @ Sandringham Farm

Have an outdoor adventure with your pet!


Calling all dog lovers! Spend a lovely day outdoors with your pet and the Cape of Good Hope SPCA, K9 Search and Rescue and SA Guide Dogs for a fabulous ‘Paw Parade’ around the beautiful Sandringham Farm in Stellenbosch on Sunday 27 October.

The 2km leisurely walk, that forms part of the 2013 Cape Outdoor Expo, starts at 10h00 and is open to socialized dogs on leads of all shapes and sizes other than puppies four months and younger. But owning a dog is not a pre-requisite to taking part – just bring along your family and friends in celebration of our four-legged pals.

Three water points along the route will refresh four-legged walkers while human participants are encouraged to bring along or purchase their own refreshments.

After the walk, relax and cool off on the grass under umbrellas or browse your way through the many interesting eco, adventure and travel exhibitions. Also make sure to find the SPCA stand where we will stock a variety of pet products such as heart-shaped ‘friendship’ pet food bowls, kids’ dog and cat helium walking ‘balloonz’, festive Christmas cards, and our hot-off-the press SPCA ‘All creatures great and small’ 2014 calendars.

Entry to the walk is included in the ticket price to the Outdoor Eco, Adventure and Travel Expo, which takes place at Sandringham Farm from 25 to 27 October. What’s more, this year you will get 2 Expo’s for the price of one with the Look and Feel Good Expo also on site offering health, beauty, fitness and wellbeing exhibitions for young and old.


Outdoor Expo Paw ParadeAbout the Sponsor

Vondi’s Holistic Pet Nutrition, Vondis Natural Pet Remedies and Vondis Natural Pet Treats is one of the fastest growing brands in South Africa.

Vondis Holistic Pet Nutrition is a registered, scientific,complete and balanced diet that is natural, wholesome and free of preservatives. Our stance on correct natural feeding, using REAL meat, RAW veggies, olive oil and FRESHLY picked herbs, has found much popularity, and it is economically priced. Vondi’s is actively involved in educating the public on the nutritional rights and demands of our cats and dogs, and we have had major success in curing the many common ailments and sickness that we find nowadays, especially skin disorders and allergies. We are proudly South African, completely transparent and aspire to a code of good business ethics, which includes supporting animal welfare organisations and animal rights campaigns.

Paul Jacobson is a Pet Food Nutritionist, qualified chef and owner of Vondis Holistic Pet Nutrition. He is a regular guest on Radio 702 and Capetalk Radio. He writes for many health and animal publications on natural and holistic pet care. Vondis was a finalist in the Nedbank/Capetalk Small Business Awards for their contribution to animal welfare and care and has featured many times on national television.

Vondis is a warm family that honestly cares about the well being of our companion animals. Follow us on facebook and note the many testimonials and you will see that “we really care”.

Our product range is promoted and stocked by a wide spectrum of vets, homeopaths, health stores and pet shops.


  • 10 packets of Vondi’s nutritional pet food
  • Water bowl
  • Khakibos Flea Spray -
    Khakibos has always proven to be a great flea and tick repellent. Many older folk will tell you of stories how they would cover their carpets and curtains with Khakibos, in order to repel fleas and ticks. Many tell of how Khakibos can even be used to spray your organic herb garden. Safe and natural it can be sprayed directly onto your pet and linen and in fact, is very gentle on the skin. The spray is ideal for dogs but some cats do not mind being sprayed.
  • Rooibos for Itchy Skin -
    This wonderful infusion of Rooibos, Chamomile and Spirulina with grapeseed oil is brilliant for alleviating skin allergies, scratching and skin irritation. Taken orally, it is easy to administer over food or directly into the mouth. The medicinal and healing properties of Rooibos and Chamomile are well documented and are a must for all pets with skin related conditions.
  • Rooibos Healthy Biscuits -
    Every dog deserves a treat but what to feed? Jenny Morris is one of South Africa’s most popular celebrity Chefs. Together with Vondis, we have developed a range of health biscuits for dogs: Completely natural and preservative free. Ingredients include fresh herbs, whole wheat flour, home-made chicken and veggie stock. Rooibos and mint helps ease itchy skin.

About our Beneficiaries

SA Guide Dogs

The main objective of the Association shall be to improve the mobility, independence of action and overall well-being of visually-impaired people and other persons with disabilities.


  • To enhance the mobility, independence and dignity of blind and partially sighted people.
  • To advocate the recognition and protection of the rights of all persons with disabilities.


  • To ensure the safety and independence of blind and partially sighted people using a guide dog as a mobility aid.
  • To achieve the highest standards of breeding, development, care and training of dogs.
  • To achieve the highest standards of education of blind and partially sighted people in the handling, care and use of a guide dog as a mobility aid.
  • To provide excellence in the provision of aftercare services to blind and partially sighted people and their guide dogs for the lifetime of the dog.
  • To develop and promote Orientation and Mobility as part of the rehabilitation of blind and partially sighted people in society.
  • To educate and qualify instructors to achieve the highest standards in the education of Orientation and Mobility techniques.
  • To provide consultancy services and support for the implementation, delivery and evaluation of Orientation and Mobility services to NGO’s, government departments and the corporate sector.
  • To educate communities and individuals in the Mission and Vision of the Association.

Cape of Good Hope SPCA

Established in 1872, The Cape of Good Hope SPCA is the founding society of the SPCA movement in South Africa and is the oldest animal welfare organisation in the country. A registered non-profit organisation (NPO 003-244) and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930004317), the society receives no government funding and relies on the support of concerned individuals and corporates to continue operating.

We are affiliated to the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals (RSPCA) and are Executive Members of the National Council of SPCAs South Africa (NSPCA). The Cape of Good Hope SPCA is also a member of the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA).

Our SPCA covers a vast area – around 11 000km2 – and looks out for the interests of domestic, farm, working and traction animals, animals reared for consumption, wildlife, animals used for entertainment and exhibitions, as well as animals used in sport and for research.

We don’t turn any animal away. No matter what the breed, condition, age or reason for animals being brought to the SPCA, we’re here for them, day and night. And we’re on call 24/7 to respond to rescues and emergencies involving animals.

All this takes a lot of hard work; our 104 staff members are assisted by volunteers – at our headquarters in Grassy Park, Cape Town, and in the field. The organisation is run by a Management Team under the guidance of our Board of Directors.

K9 Search & Rescue

The K9 Search and Rescue Association of South Africa (K9SARA-SA) was founded in December 1998 when a few members of the Mountain Club’s Wilderness Search and Rescue team, who saw search dogs in operation, realized that dogs are a valuable resource on any search. It was felt that if we could have a trained team of search dogs ready to go at a moment’s notice, it could cut down on the time needed to find a missing person. K9SARA-SA is a volunteer organization and we train our own dogs for search and rescue work. At the moment there are two operational units, one in Gauteng and a second unit in the Western Cape. All our handlers supply their own equipment and pay their own transport costs to the training sites and rescues.We work together with the Johannesburg Fire department, their Urban Search and Rescue Team (USAR), the Off Road Rescue Unit (ORRU), Mountain Club, Rescue SA, the South African Police, and other official agencies. In June 2012 we became a member of the IRO, the International Rescue dog Organisation.We are in contact with Search and Rescue teams in the United States and Canada, exchanging experiences and for discussions on specific training issues. Our teams (dog and handler) are evaluated every 2 years to make sure that the teams are fully operational. The standards we use are based on the standards developed by the American Rescue Dog Association (ARDA) and the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Source: Cape Ourdoor Expo


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