Ban Animal Trading South Africa TV Advert

Ban Animal Trading in South Africa has done amazing work to create awareness of the cruelty that is associated with animal trading in South Africa.
Ban Animal Trading (BAT) is a Beauty Without Cruelty initiative.

Check out their awesome new advert that they just launched online and on TV.  Well done guys! We salute you and your efforts to combat crime against animals.


Ban Animal Trading from Picture Tree on Vimeo.


"BAT was originally established to alert potential pet owners specifically about the cruelty of the pet trade, informing them about where these poor animals come from and what eventually becomes of them. This obviously links to the familiar “backyard breeder”/ “puppy mill” / “large producer” source of animals.

However, the name “Ban Animal Trading South Africa” was consciously selected, knowing that in the fullness of time, we would want to embrace broader issues dealing with the trade in animals in all of its forms. So, while banning the live animal trade in pet shops remains a valid and ongoing objective (and which can be seen as a “quick-win” in that these shops are easy to find and physically mount demonstrations against), we are also now looking to supplement other important initiatives.

Suffice to say, obviously trading in animals (both wild and domestic, indigenous and exotics) is a concern, as is hunting (where wild animals are often captive bred & introduced into petting farms for ultimate canned hunting trophies), and also the exhibiting, breeding and showing of any wild or domestic animal for personal gain.

Our aim is always only to help the animals and to keep you informed.  We hope to raise awareness, keep you informed and provide you with information regarding the issues.

We as ethical ‘consumers’ (for lack of a better word) must demand better, we deserve better and these animals mentioned above all need all of us to ensure that they are no longer victims of an inhumane system of animal trading that allows greedy exploitation through over-production specifically for the market place, perpetuating the animals’ misery and despair.

Should you see anything or witness anything that makes you feel uneasy or that perhaps seems cruel and inappropriate please report it to the proper authorities. There are existing organizations that have the authority and responsibility in the different spheres and if need be have the authority to confiscate/remove these animals.

Should you not know who to contact please let us know and we will endeavour to put you in touch with the right people and provide you with as much assistance as humanly possible."

If you would like to contribute to help BAT:

Standard Bank
Johannesburg Branch (code 000205)
Account number: 000327492.

Follow BAT on Twitter: @BAT_BWC


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