Candys Precious Paws In-Home Dog Boarding, Daycare & more specializing in the care of and helping Anxious, Nervous dogs

Location for Candys Precious Paws In-Home Dog Boarding, Daycare & more specializing in the care of and helping Anxious, Nervous dogs
Country: South Africa
Province: Western Cape
City / Town: Sunningdale
Street Address: West Coast Road between Philadelphia and Melkbosstrand
Directions: West Coast road between Philadelphia and Melkbosstrand Please contact for directions so we can give you easiest route
Info for Candys Precious Paws In-Home Dog Boarding, Daycare & more specializing in the care of and helping Anxious, Nervous dogs
Service Type Pet Day-Care Service
Brief description of service Dogs who may be a bit •Anxious •Nervous •Fearful of other dogs •Dogs who prefer more individual attention & extra TLC

We help build your dog's trust, Help them feel safe, Secure & build confidence
While staying in our calm, Secure home from home
Round the clock one on one care & attention
The environment has successfully helped dogs with separation anxiety, Pet Parents can take their dogs for walks without worrying when they see other dogs, Newly adopted dogs who were nervous, Behaviour problems. WE don't charge extra for that our reward is seeing dogs & clients live a happier life together

•Half/ Full day Doggy Daycare
•Dog retirement- Moving can't take your senior dog with OR work long hours, Your dog will get the care & love they deserve, We encourage owners to visit as often as they can
•Dogs in recovery who need constant care
•Door to door or meet half way
Certified in 1st aid for pets and CPR
Discounts on long-term
Call 0720443820
Our Services cater for Dogs
Cost for Candys Precious Paws In-Home Dog Boarding, Daycare & more specializing in the care of and helping Anxious, Nervous dogs - Subject to Change
20℅ deposit is required on confirmation of booking and remaining balance to be paid on your dogs arrival
Discount for longterm
Contact for Candys Precious Paws In-Home Dog Boarding, Daycare & more specializing in the care of and helping Anxious, Nervous dogs
Cell phone: 0720443820
Contact Candys Precious Paws In-Home Dog Boarding, Daycare & more specializing in the care of and helping Anxious, Nervous dogs
Social for Candys Precious Paws In-Home Dog Boarding, Daycare & more specializing in the care of and helping Anxious, Nervous dogs

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