Location for PUPPY PRE-SCHOOL Country: South Africa Province: Western Cape City / Town: Fish Hoek Street Address: Barque Crescent, Sun Valley Info for PUPPY PRE-SCHOOL Service Type Animal Training Service Brief description of service Socializing and training for all dog breeds between 2 and 6 months old. Own a SMART puppy: Sociable, well-Mannered, Attentive, Relaxed and Trained. Socializing & training for all dog breeds between 2 & 6 months old. Own a SMART Puppy: Sociable, well-Mannered, Attentive, Relaxed & Trained Our Services cater for Dogs Cost for PUPPY PRE-SCHOOL - Subject to Change 6 Lesson Puppy Training Courses available. Please contact us for further details. Discount for welfare-adopted pups. Contact for PUPPY PRE-SCHOOL Cell phone: 0848185273 Website: http://www.animal-behaviour.org.za/karengray Contact PUPPY PRE-SCHOOL Social for PUPPY PRE-SCHOOL