Tips to Spoil Your Pet on Love Your Pet Day

20 February is Love Your Pet Day.

It makes perfect sense that after Valentine's Day, there is a special day dedicated to show a little extra love and to encourage love beyond the borders of just people, but for our beloved pets too.

Pet Health Care Tips to spoil your pet Love your pet day

Take the time out to spoil your pet this special day with the following tips:

Get a Doggie-Day-Care, or Dog Walker or Pet Sitter to pop in during the day for a visit.

When you are at work and spend eight to ten hours away from home, consider getting them a friendly visit and/or walk from someone to break the silence and enjoy some company while you are away.  You might also want to consider putting them in a Doggie-Day-Care facility nearby.  Go on, make that move, you will find out how much they will love these new experiences.  Your pets might love going to the kennels, others will prefer the comfort of home, here is a list of kennels and catteries that will suit every need.

Change the scruffy collar or bedding

Give their collars and or bedding a nice wash (remember not too much detergent, as their senses are extremely strong, and they need to enjoy the cleanliness without disturbing their very strong and well-developed sense of smell).  If you can afford a new collar or bedding, here are some options for you to consider.

The Gift of all Gifts - Pet Insurance

"Most people contact me when it is too late and they need their vet bill covered - they do not have pet insurance," says Juanita Aitkenhead, owner of  "I feel so sorry for these people, as their emergencies are real.  From dogs that have cut themselves to pieces from escaping fireworks to dachshunds suddenly going lame in their hind legs - these vet bills are all above at least ten thousand Rand, and these pet owners are desperate.  Unfortunately by this time, we are unable to help them".  Your pets deserve the best and only one year's worth of premiums will cover one medical emergency or ill health situation.  Consider giving your pets Pet Insurance.  The best time is as soon as possible because pre-existing health conditions will become excluded in the cover.  

Spoil Your Pet with a Fabulous Treatment at the local Doggie Parlour

Self-service dustbathing is not enough to keep your pets' hide free from mites and fleas.  Give them a special treat with a local pet groomer who will pamper them back to optimum condition.  They might not like it at the time, but they will love you when they realise how amazing they feel afterward.

Pet Health Care Tips to spoil your pet Love your pet day

What are the right toys for your pets? (How to Save Money!)

Every pets' needs are different, in size, demeanor and energy levels.  Your role is to ensure their needs are met to keep them from boredom or loneliness during you not being at home to keep them company.  Take a look at all the different types of toy options for your pets, and soon you will realise with this advice, you will not have to waste any more money on the wrong toys for your pets.

Alternative Healthy Products Your Pets will Love

Gone are the days of CBD Oil being taboo, and even better, they are doing wonders for our pets.  Raw Food, Fresh FoodAlternative Pet Health products are a click away.  Take some time to investigate alternative health options for your pets who suffer from skin allergies, anxiety (alone at home or loud noises) to genetic ailments that all have possible solutions to help them during troubling times of ill mental or physical health.


We hope you have enjoyed spending time with your pets and finding the above information perfect to encourage you to spoil your beloved pets today.

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