Do Animals Go To Heaven?

Of course they do!  You are reading this because you have no doubt also had to say goodbye to a very dear little furry friend before.  The sadness and loss is beyond words.  The pain is beyond words.  Time seems to be the only medication to ease this deep pain.

Its impossible to connect on such a deep level with such a beautiful soul for so many years of our lives, and then for them NOT to be waiting for us in heaven.  Animals have to be in heaven, because they are in fact the only souls alive that do not commit evil deeds on earth.  They dont know evil, they are the epitomy of love and life.

There is no doubt that the loss of a pet is just as hard on us as humans as it is for when we lose a close friend or family member.  For some of us it takes months, even years to get over the loss of a beloved family member, be that an animal or human loss.  We found this beautiful quote from Psychic Medium Bill Philipps and wish to share with you his reassurance that their resting place is a good one, and that they no doubtedly love you back as much as you love them.



"So much of the time when I'm connecting with Spirit I see just how important our furry little friends are in the afterlife! They have more love for us than we think and that love transcends time and space.

For everyone who is morning the loss of an animal right now-- rest assured that they are in heaven and showering you with love the same way they did in their cutefurry shells! Sending much love!  Bill"


How to cope with the loss of a beloved family pet:

  • Time is the only real healer, so allow yourself as much time as you want to mourn.
  • Create a photo frame filled with pictures of your furry friend.
  • Place the framed pictures in a special corner, ideally one which used to be their favourite spot in the house.
  • Light a candle next to the photo every time you feel sad.
  • Cry as much as you feel like crying.  This is often a good way to re-connect with them and let them know how much you miss them and how much you love them, for ever in your heart.
  • Have them cremated and place the ashes in a special place in your home.
  • If you chose to bury the animal, plant a lovely plant above the grave.

We are very sorry that your furry angel is now in heaven, and we share the loss of every single one that has crossed the rainbow bridge.

RIP loved ones, we will remember you forever and we look forward to seeing you one day again.


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