Snake Handlers and ID Course Cape Town

Snake ID & Handlers Course
9 May 2015
Rietvlei Convention Centre, Table View

Snakes are everywhere.  Some are venomous and some are not.

It is our responsibility as advocates of nature to assist in maintaining a balance of our beautiful eco system for the benefit of all. 

The West Coast Community needs people like you to help them, and by doing so to help the snakes who are often misidentified and killed unnecessarily, but if we can keep our ecosystem going, we will help towards a healthy environment for the future of all.

Please join us in the very exciting Snake Identification & Handling course, which is FGASA endorsed and certification to be given afterwards.

Cost : R685
Bookings: email us
Time : 09h00 – 16h00
Duration : 1 Day
Facilitators : Cape Reptile Institute Marcel Witberg / Kobus Smit
Venue : Rietvlei Convention Centre, Tableview, Western Cape.

Course Summary (Just briefly)
- Snake Identification (“Big 5”)
- Snake Awareness
- Handling techniques
- Venomous snake handling for the three species
- Cape Cobra, Puff Adder and Boomslang.

This CRI Snake Awareness, Identification and Handling course is FGASA endorsed.  

Feel free to confirm this on the FGASA website:  After successfully completing the course each will receive a certificate.  All will get a copy of the manual.


- Tea & Coffee will be served
- Wear closed shoes and long pants.
- Bring lunch and cool drink

Please note that there is limited place for people to attend, which means first come first served.

Other Related Articles:

Reptile Rescuers List South Africa

SPCA Contact numbers

Animal Rescues and Shelters in South Africa


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