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1. All pets should be sterilised to help prevent cruelty and suffering caused by overpopulation.
2. Vaccinate your pet against potentially deadly diseases such as distemper, parvo and rabies.
3. Get Pet Insurance cover for your pets the day you get them.
4. Keep your pet at a healthy weight and present occasions for training and fun - this quality time it is wonderful for both of you.
5. Always provide a fresh, healthy meal daily. (Please do not force your pets to eat the food that they do not like, sometimes they fast naturally as they might have an upset stomach, and fasting is suitable for anyone. )
6. Most Toxic Foods to remember for cats and dogs are avocados, chocolate, onions, grapes and raisins, fatty or fried foods, macadamia nuts or products containing the artificial sweetener xylitol.
7. Ensure that your veterinarian examines your pet at least once a year.
8. Discuss with your vet to keep your pets free of parasites (fleas and ticks).
9. Ensure that you familiarise yourself with the necessary first-aid procedures for pets and keep a separate animal first-aid kit in the home.
10 Never give your pets any human medication, and never give dogs and cats the same medication, unless prescribed by your vet.
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